Hidden Secrets DVD
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- Cast: John Schneider, David A.R. White, Tracy Melchior, Reginald Vel Johnson
- Languages: English
- Dove Approved: Dove Family Approved
- Run Time: 90 minutes
- Screen Format: WS
- Subtitles: English
- Region Code: 1 See More
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Hidden Secrets DVD
Hidden Secrets is a Christian comedy film that is entertaining and yet carries a powerful message. Nine old friends are suddenly reunited at a funeral, and relationships between them are somewhat awkward and comical. They have all arrived at different places in their lives and don't know quite how to relate to each other anymore. They have taken different paths and experienced many different things. When they are suddenly thrown together once more a somewhat awkward and hilarious reunion ensues.
The past has suddenly entered into the present, and none of the characters know quite how to deal with this. For instance, the character of Jeremy is placed in the middle of an uncomfortable love triangle. He has brought his new fiance Rachel to the funeral, and fully believes that he has moved on from the past. However, his old girlfriend Sherry is at this funeral as well, and tensions between Sherry and Rachel escalate. Jeremy's heart is confused as the past collides with the present and he must decide where his allegiance lies.
Rachel tries desperately to coax an affirmative vow of Jeremy's love from him, but he is unable to fully devote himself to her. The presence of Sherry in his life has brought up old feelings and has left him torn between two worlds.
A man named Gary acts as a sort of leader in the group as he provides wisdom and insight into the many differing beliefs. Once mostly united in their thoughts and actions, the nine friends now have taken many different paths. They all have differing opinions and very strong beliefs, but none of them seem to align. Gary helps them reflect on what it means to think so differently and yet be united. Each of the friends wishes that they were able to simply pick up where they left off, but life does not prove to be so easy.
Another man present at the funeral named Pastor Wexler helps guide them in seeking the truth. Some of them have sought the truth and accepted the words of Christ, but others have strayed from the path. Pastor Wexler helps give them all wise insight and advice to realign their lives with the words of Christ.
Hidden Secrets is a humorous and entertaining film that carries an important message. At its core, this film is about secrets and differences, and shows the way that life affects people. Each of the nine main characters has taken a different route and has experienced things that have affected them greatly. Can they all be united in one common bond or are they simply too different? Hidden Secrets is a film that viewers will greatly enjoy from start to finish.
Taking its Toll
Throughout Hidden Secrets, one thing is very apparent. Life has taken its toll on every single character and has shaped them to be the person that they are. For instance, the character of Gary is skeptical of religion. Though he helps provide wisdom and unity, he does not personally think that he needs religion of any kind to survive. Life has shaped him to be an independent man, free from any "chains" that may hold him down. This allows him to be objective and help work through the many strong and differing beliefs that the other characters possess.
Hidden Secrets is recommended by the Dove Foundation for ages twelve and over, as it deals with some touchy subjects and intense content. For instance, one character has been affected by abortion. This topic is discussed and is handled expertly, but still contains some intense themes. This particular character has been affected greatly by abortion and it has shaped her to be the person that she is in this film.
Yet another character deals with homosexuality and different consequences that go along with that subject. This film does not deal with these subjects lightly or handle anything with kid gloves. Hidden Secrets is raw and honest, showing the true consequences of one's actions and the devastating effect that our choices can have on our lives. On a positive note, this film also shows the good that can come from us making the right decisions and choosing to follow the right things.
A Stark Contrast
Perhaps the most realistic thing about this film is the way that characters are in conflict and direct contrast with each other. No two characters have experienced the exact same thing, resulting in them all being miles different from each other. In the end, they are united through the common bond of Christ and are shown how to live with their differences and have a positive influence on each other and the world around them.
Hidden Secrets shows nine characters who are all greatly flawed. Each of them has messed up in a different way and it has changed them, some for the better and some for the worse. They are used to knowing each other in the past and don't quite know how to deal with one another in the present. Each of them has changed greatly from how they once were, and none of them is expecting this change in the others. This film brings their hidden secrets and the consequences of their actions to light, showing how these things have molded and shaped them.
What viewers can take away from this film is that we are all so very different, yet can still find a common bond. This unity can only come from the love of Christ. No matter what we have done or what we have been through, we are all loved by Christ. This cannot be changed, nor can we run away from it. His love for us is endless and chases us to the ends of the earth. Even if we try to hide our secrets or our sins, they will always come to light. Every one of us is offered a chance at redemption and all we have to do is devote our lives to Christ.
Hidden Secrets teaches this powerful lesson and many more, while still remaining humorous and entertaining throughout.
- Release: 2006
- Run Time: 90 Minutes
- Rated: Not Rated
- Format: Full Screen
- Languages: English
- Closed Captioning: NONE
- Subtitles: English
- UPC: 796019813952
- DVD: Region 1
Special Features:
- * Commentary by Director Carey Scott and Producers Michael Scott and David A.R. White * Deleted Scenes * Behind the Scenes Featurette * Theatrical Trailer