That The World May Know, Faith Lessons Vol 11: The Path to the Cross DVD
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- Producer: Amanda Cooper
- Run Time: 152 mn
- Closed Captioning: Yes
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Faith Lessons Volume 11: The Path To The Cross
Have you ever wanted to travel to Israel to experience the places of the Bible for yourself? Now in a small way you can. From Focus on the Family and Zondervan comes the eleventh part of the Faith Lessons Series, The Path To The Cross. Join teacher and historian Ray Vander Lann as he journeys throughout the land of the Bible. Explore the historical, religious, geographical, and cultural contexts of the Bible, and come to understand your faith and your God better along the way.
In Faith Lessons Volume 11: The Path To The Cross you will discover how the intense devotion and passionate faith of God's people prepared the way for Jesus and the cross. Journey through the times before Jesus' birth, through his triumph following the cross, and be challenged to live a life in line and directed by the word of God.
Faith Lessons Volume 11: The Path To The Cross consists of five sessions: The Way of the Essenes, The Way of John the Baptist, Into the Desert to be Tested, The Last Passover, and The Fifth Cup--Our Way of Hope. Each session is approximately thirty minutes each. This study is perfect for use as a small group, family, couple, or for individual reflection.
The Way of The Essenes
The Essenes were a religious sect of Judaism that flourished from second century BC until first century AD. Smaller than the Pharisees or Sadducees (the other two main sects), the Essenes were still quite numerous, and historical records including Josephus speak of their life and ways. In this first session of Faith Lessons Volume 11: The Path To The Cross you will learn what the Essenes believed and valued, the way they lived, and Ray Vander Lann will show you what you can learn from their life that will help you focus on God.
The Way Of John The Baptist
Six months before the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, he announced the birth of a baby who would be called John the Baptist to a startled priest named Zechariah. Both Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were advanced in years, and John can almost be called a "miracle baby." He would lead a life set apart for God, one filled with joys and sorrows. In this second session of Faith Lessons Volume 11: The Path To The Cross you will discover how God strengthened and set John apart, how he filled him with his spirit, and prepared him to declare the coming of the Messiah. This lesson will encourage you to be ready for the Messiah, and to lead a life of devotion to your Savior.
Into The Desert To Be Tested
After Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist he was tested in the desert for forty days and forty nights. Human, and starving for food and water Jesus would be tempted three times by Satan, but through the power of the Spirit and armed with the Word of God he would withstand. (You can read this account in Matthew 4:1-17 and Luke 4: 1-13). The third session in Faith Lessons Volume 11: The Path To The Cross presents a reminder that just as Jesus was tested by God in the desert, and just as he tested his disciples, he will also test you. This session also gives hope that by clinging to your Savior, and like him armed with the Word of God you can stand in times of testing and temptation.
The Last Passover
For the nation of Israel the Passover was a time of remembrance. A time to remember when God passed over the houses of Israel during the last plague in Egypt. To remember when he passed over the houses with doorposts bearing the blood of the sacrificial lamb. (Read the account in Exodus chapter twelve). It was a meal full with special meanings, and promises to be fulfilled. In the fourth session of Faith Lessons Volume 11: The Path To The Cross you will learn the significance of the last supper, you will discover the details of that dinner, and you will learn what Jesus--the final sacrificial lamb who was soon to be slain for us--was revealing to his disciples and to all his followers through his final Passover meal. This session is a time of sweet reminders, and new found hope that will encourage and fill you with thankfulness and joy.
The Fifth Cup--Our Way Of Hope
The Passover meal consists of four cups, each with a special meaning. In this final session of Faith Lessons Volume 11: The Path To The Cross you will discover the fifth cup which is our way of hope. In this lesson, learn and remind yourself of the fifth cup of God's wrath. This is one that Jesus chose to take on our behalf to save us from our sins. You will learn of the sacrifice and of the redemption. This final session is a powerful reminder of the sacrifice and great love of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Faith Lessons Volume 11: The Path To The Cross is a powerful continuation of a wonderful series. This study will refresh and restore your faith. It will remind you of powerful truths, and teach you new ones along the way. Most importantly, it will encourage you with God's unfathomable love, and never-ending plan to rescue, redeem, and restore his lost children.
Faith Lessons Volume 11: The Path To The Cross has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America, and may include topics and issues not suitable for younger viewers. As always, it is recommend that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children, but this study is considered appropriate for most audiences.
The Faith Lessons series begins with Faith Lessons Volume 1: The Promised Land and is twelve volumes long. Each volume can stand alone as an amazing study, but coupled together the twelve volumes paint an overweeningly beautiful picture of God's plan to save his people--to save the world.