Louie Giglio Relat(able) DVD
Additional Information
- Cast: Louie Giglio
- Languages: English
- Run Time: 173 Minutes
- Screen Format: WS
- Region Code: 1
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Louie Giglio: Relate(able)
Life is all about relationships. Relationships with your parents, your boss, your kids, your spouse, your co-workers, friends, mentors, girlfriend, boyfriend, the list goes on and on. From the moment we are born relationships are what shape and define us, what can measure our success or failure, our happiness or despair. We have choices as well--to relate or not relate with the hundreds of people we bump shoulders with. The most important relationship, however-- the one that defines the meaning and success of other relationships-- is our relationship with God. Louie Giglio's new series Relate(able) looks at relationships from a Godly perspective. It asks tough questions as well. What if instead of looking for the "right person" we become that person? What if we focus on our relationship with God first and foremost? What if we held ourselves to the standards we hold others to? Louie Giglio's messages in the series Relate(able) will encourage, inspire, and challenge you to reevaluate your relationships and look at the most important connections in your life through God's eyes.
The Series
The Relate(able) series is made up of eight messages given by Louie Giglio on the topic of relationships. Each message builds on the others, but can stand individually as a powerful, thought provoking tool. The messages include: The Shovel and the Spoon, Wo/Man in the Mirror, A God to Call Father, The Friend Everyone Longs For, Becoming Someone vs. Finding Somebody, Why Date?, #Stronger, and Handshake of Peace. Each message is about one hour long and is perfect to view with a small group, spouse, family, or simply as a personal study by yourself. The messages in the Relate(able) series will spark meaningful discussions and questions in your study groups, and provide a new perspective and topic which will encourage you to dive deeper into God's word to find his thoughts, perspectives, promises, and charges regarding relationships whether they be with neighbors, children, spouses, friends, the church body, or himself. Louie Giglio's eight messages in Relate(able) are sure to offer a new perspective based on the word of God, and spark new discussions regarding the important topic of relationships.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio is a well known name in the Christian world. He has written numerous books, pastors a church in Georgia, and has delivered many powerful messages, such as Relate(able), about the heart of God. His heart for the world, and his deep relationship with his creator have inspired many and challenged many more. Louie Giglio attended Georgia State University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Grace Theological Seminary. After Seminary, Louie and his wife Shelly started a Bible study for college students at Baylor University where Louie was continuing graduate studies. Soon large portions of the student population were attending these weekly meetings, and Louie realized the impact and importance fostering a love of God in the hearts of young adults was, his heart for the "university movement" was born. Starting in 1995 the Passion Movement spread across the nation. Started by Louie, this movement brings together millions of people in events across the country for prayer and worship. These Passion Conferences are a major outreach to college students as well. In 1995 the Giglio's also moved from Waco, Texas to Atlanta, Georgia to care for Louie's dying father. After their move the Giglio's started sixstep records as part of the Passion Movement. This label his home to Christian artists such as Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Kristian Stanfill, and Passion. In 2009 Louie and Shelly founded the Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia along with Chris Tomlin and Matt and Beth Redman. The Passion City Church's motto is "for God, for people, for city, for world" and Louie Giglio lives out this motto as he tirelessly seeks to share the love and hope of God through his many messages and books, such as Relate(able).
Part of a sermon series delivered at his home church, Passion City, Relate(able) is one of Louie's "practical" series'. While other messages focus on the deep love, hope, grace, or peace of God, Relate(able) focuses on how those truths can be applied to, and how they transform, our relationships with others and with God. With the knowledge of the unfathomable love, trustworthiness, hope, and peace of God as a foundation Louie builds a picture of how we should approach relationships and be in relationships with a Godly perspective. Relate(able) explores relationships from the casual one with a next door neighbors to the ones with your spouse or children. It offers a challenging perspective shift, challenging viewers to seek to become the person, friend, neighbor, girlfriend, spouse, etc that everyone wishes they had, instead of looking for that person. It challenges individuals to trust God to fulfill their relationship needs, and to seek him as the one to satisfy their relationships. Relate(able) will encourage and challenge viewers no matter how they study it, or who they study it with.
Louie Giglio: Relate(able) has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. As always, it is recommend that parents preview all content to determine what is considered suitable for their children, but this study series is considered acceptable for most audiences.
Other Louie Giglio Series
If you enjoyed Louie Giglio's message series Relate(able) then you may enjoy some of his other series such as How Great Is Our God--a series on the infinite love of God; Winsome--we all need to focus more on the single most important element in our lives, God; Symphony: I Lift My Hands-- praise and the glory of God's grace; Hope: When Life Hurts Most-- God as the anchor for hope and peace; Fruitcake and Ice Cream-- sometimes the best things in life are not what we are looking for, but turn out to be the things we discover we cannot live without in the end, and many, many more!