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Louie Giglio: Grace The One and Only
There is one thing that is unique to the message of Jesus Christ. Certainly, there is love, there is hope, there is faith, there is power, there is majesty. . . but none of these are unique to this message. The one thing that separates the message of Jesus is grace. Unexpected and undeserved, freely given grace. From Louie Giglio comes a message that will encourage and inspire—Grace The One and Only
A Gift From God
Louie Giglio gives talks that challenge. Talks that inspire. Talks that make you step into action. Talks that make you feel treasured. The message series Grace The One and Only, however, will simply leave you in indescribable awe at the heart of God and rejoicing in his goodness.
Grace. It is something unexpected. Something undeserved. Something unexplainable, and often unimaginable. It is something of an infinite cost, given freely. Grace. Something so valuable yet often tossed aside. Something we forget. Grace. The hinge point of history. The transformation of millions of lives. Grace. It is at the core of the gospel story, and at the core of Louie Giglio’s talk Grace The One and Only.
Grace is unique to the message of the gospel, and unique to Jesus Christ. There is no logical explanation for it. It is simply God doing something we could never ask or imagine. God doing something we could never do. And more awe inspiringly, nothing we ever do can bring about more or less of God’s grace. His grace is always lavish, always unshaking, not given in amounts or quantities. You get all of it. Grace, as viewers will be reminded in Grace The One and Only, is the essence of our creator.
Grace is the source of our salvation. It is the beginning of our joy. It is the place from which we find strength. It is the beginning of a relationship with the savior of the world. Grace is what sets us free.
If grace is freely given. If grace cost the Son of God everything. If grace can set us free, change our lives, and give us access to Father God, how should we then respond? How do we claim God’s grace, and how do we live inside of his unexplainable, unimaginable grace?
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio is a well known name in the Christian world. He has written numerous books, pastors a church in Georgia, and has delivered many powerful messages, such as Grace The One and Only, about the amazing grace of God and how it can transform our lives. Louie’s heart for the world, and his deep relationship with his creator have inspired many and challenged many more. Louie Giglio attended Georgia State University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Grace Theological Seminary. After Seminary, Louie and his wife Shelly started a Bible study for college students at Baylor University where Louie was continuing graduate studies. Soon large portions of the student population were attending these weekly meetings, and Louie realized the impact and importance fostering a love of God in the hearts of young adults was, his heart for the “university movement” was born. Starting in 1995 the Passion Movement spread across the nation. Started by Louie, this movement brings together millions of people in events across the country for prayer and worship. In 1995 the Giglio’s also moved from Waco, Texas to Atlanta, Georgia to care for Louie’s dying father. After their move the Giglio’s started sixstep records as part of the Passion Movement. This label his home to Christian artists such as Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Kristian Stanfill, and Passion. In 2009 Louie and Shelly founded the Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia along with Chris Tomlin and Matt and Beth Redman. The Passion City Church’s motto is “for God, for people, for city, for world.” Louie’s deep faith and love will inspire you through his message Grace The One and Only.
Bible Studies
Louie Giglio’s Grace The One and Only is perfect for use in a bible study. Whether studying God’s truth individually, with a friend or spouse, as a family, or with a small group, Grace The One and Only will spark conversations about the truth and freedom that the gospel brings. Louie Giglio’s Grace The One and Only is a multi-part message, and can easily be watched over multiple sessions. With teaching rooted in God’s Word, Louie Giglio’s message Grace The One and Only will inspire and challenge believers of all ages and all points in their faith to dive into God’s word and discover the truth of his freeing grace for themselves. Louie Giglio’s message Grace The One and Only is a powerful stepping stool to dive into the heart of God to understand the gospel like you have never understood it before. The message Grace The One and Only will spark conversation, challenge you to seek out God’s truth for yourself, and encourage you to build a relationship with the source of indescribable, unexplainable grace.
Louie Giglio’s Message Grace The One and Only will encourage you with the truth of the gospel, equip you with radically life changing thoughts, and inspire you to pursue the grace that God offers all who trust in him. Louie’s message Grace The One and Only will challenge you to start living in the grace you accepted—the grace that sets you free.
Grace The One and Only has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America and may include topics and issues not suitable for all viewers. As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children, but the film Grace The One and Only is generally considered appropriate for most audiences.
If you enjoyed Louie Giglio’s message on grace then you may enjoy some of his other series such as How Great Is Our God--a series on the infinite love of God and Symphony: I Lift My Hands-- praise and the glory of God’s grace.