The Stranger Series DVD Box Set
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The Stranger Series Box Set
Sometimes in the moments of confusion, doubt, or sorrow it is the unexpected that helps us most. In this collection of heartwarming, thought to provoke stories it is the unexpected that impacts the lives of ordinary people‰ۡÌÝÌÒwise and compassionate strangers. From the producers of The Perfect Stranger and Another Perfect Stranger comes a series full of stories of modern day Jesus amongst us‰ۡÌÝÌÒThe Stranger. Starring Jefferson Moore (The Perfect Gift), Stephanie Vickers (Clancy), Brad Jackson, and Christina Browder, The Stranger series features seven episodes of encounters with an unexpected stranger.
New Testament Roots
The stories that fill the television series The Stranger are based on stories from the New Testament. With Biblical roots, these stories take the truths of the gospel and place them in twenty-first century situations. These stories in the series The Stranger serve as a wonderful reminder that God‰ۡó»s grace and forgiveness laid out in his Word are just as relevant and applicable in our busy modern lives as they were in the first century A.D. These seven episodes shed new life on familiar stories from the Bible and challenge you to claim the truth of the gospel for your own life in our world today.
Episode One: The Woman at the Well
Samantha (played by Stephanie Vickers) has had a hard life, and it never seems easier when she goes ‰ۡÌÝ?home.‰ۡó? She knows she is a disappointment to her family, and she knows that her church disapproves. In fact, she feels is the disappointment and disproval of those around her. When things explode with her sister, Stephanie just needs someone to talk to. That someone turns out to be the stranger. Based on the story of Jesus with the Woman at the well in John 4, the first episode of The Strangers is a reminder that the church is to be a place of love for those who fall short, since, in reality, we all have fallen short, yet Jesus excepts us as we are.
Episode 2: The Prodigal Son
Justin (played by Brad Jackson) has always known that two things matter most to his Dad‰ۡÌÝÌÒhis family and the pharmacy he has owned and run for years. But Justin thinks he‰ۡó»s different. He may need a job (or a pharmacy) for money, but he certainly does not need his family. So, he leaves home. Leaves his family behind and heads out into the world to make his own fortune‰ۡÌÝÌÒone that is not dependent on his dad. But his life quickly becomes dependent on something else, and when the pills run out Justin‰ۡó»s life quickly spirals out of control. Based on the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son, episode two of The Strangers shows another life which radically changes after it comes in contact with the stranger.
Episode Three: Mary and Martha
They may be sisters, but Mary and Martha (played by Christina Browder and Pattie Crawford) have never seen eye to eye. Yet, they always seem to find themselves together‰ۡÌÝÌÒstuck together more like it. With a dying mother and a father struggling to keep their family run diner alive, the girls certainly did not have an easy time growing up, and now, as they find themselves in charge of the old diner, their squabbles as little girls seem to have grown bigger with them. Martha is focused on keeping their old family business running and intact, but Mary is done with her older sister‰ۡó»s busy worrying attitude. One day Mary sits down to talk to a stranger who enters their diner. When Martha butts in, they are about to be in for a life changing experience. Based on the story of Mary and Martha, this third episode of The Stranger series brings another Biblical story to life in a modern setting.
Episode Four: Salt
Maddy Foster (played by Amy Hess) faces a grind day after day. And it is not a job she hates‰ۡÌÝÌÒit is a professor who constantly, and outspokenly belittles her faith in front of her fellow grad students. About to give up, Maddy is halted when a stranger unexpectedly shows up in class to encourage her. Rubbed the wrong way the professor challenges him to debate the validity of Christianity. The real question? Is the professor ready for what is about to happen. The fourth episode of the series The Stranger will encourage and inspire viewers to boldly stand fast.
Episode Five: Thomas
Neil Fasio is known for his brashness, his confidence, and for spouting off about Christians on his radio show. One day during his time on air Neil challenges Jesus to call his program. What Niel does not expect is for Jesus to take him up on the offer! When Neil answers the call he cannot figure out how his mystery caller knows so much about the life and heart of Jesus. Loosely based on the story of Doubting Thomas, this fifth episode of The Strangers encourages believers to hold fast in their confidence.
The Stranger series includes four more wonderful episodes‰ۡÌÝÌÒ ‰ۡÌÝ?Mary Magdalene,‰ۡó? and ‰ۡÌÝ?Walk on Water‰ۡó?‰?ÌÝÌÒthat will encourage and challenge viewers of all ages. Stories of finding hope in the midst of despair, comfort in the midst of adversity, compassion in the midst of criticism and love in the midst of hatred, the seven episodes of The Stranger will encourage viewers to be the hands in feet of Jesus in our world today. As you travel with characters of all ages and walks of life you will be reminded that Jesus is never far away and he is always ready to step in when we need him most.
The Stranger series has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America and may include topics and issues not suitable for younger viewers. This film received the ‰ۡÌÝ?Family Approved‰ۡó? award for ages twelve and up from the Dove Foundation. As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children, but the series The Stranger is generally considered appropriate for most older audiences.