Metamorphosis DVD
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- Run Time: 64 min + Over an hour of bonus features
- Screen Format: WS
- Region Code: A
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For all of human history butterflies have fascinated and inspired individuals with their astonishing life cycle, delicate structure, and fine beauty. They have captured the minds of philosophers, writers, scientists, artists, musicians, poets, and schoolchildren. In many ways butterflies are not just a creature, but a delicate image of magic and wonder. In the fascinating documentary Metamorphosis viewers will discover the life and world of a butterfly like never before. Stunning photography, videography, computer animation, and magnetic resonance imaging opens the door to the world and life cycle of a butterfly for viewers of all ages to understand and marvel at like never before.
A Butterfly's Life
A butterfly-- no matter how big or small, yellow, white, blue, or rainbow colored-- starts its life as a tiny egg to bigger than a pinhead. Inside that tiny egg, however, lies the genetic coding and information that will guide this creature through its life cycle into a beautiful creature to marvel at, as viewers will see in Metamorphosis. Clinging to a delicate leaf, this egg will develop into a Caterpillar (or larva) that will emerge when the egg hatches. Once the egg has hatched and the Caterpillar crawls out it will spend most of this short stage in a butterfly's life cycle eating. Anyone who read the beloved Eric Carle book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" as a child will remember that these tiny Caterpillars are very, very hungry. They will eat and eat and eat their way through this cycle starting with the leaf they were born on. Here is another fascinating part of a butterfly's world, the butterfly knows-- programmed deep inside it-- what type of leaf to lay its eggs on. A specific butterfly larva will eat only a certain type of leaf, while another type of larva will eat another. The very act of laying an egg testifies to the precise creation of a butterfly. Once the caterpillar is finished eating-- he can literally not hold another bite-- it will transform itself into a chrysalis. Inside the chrysalis--the last step in a butterfly's Metamorphosis-- the caterpillar will be transformed into the beautiful butterfly. The very tissue, organs, and limbs of the caterpillar have been changed into a butterfly, and after ten to fourteen days the butterfly is ready to emerge. The butterfly will hang on the branch for several hours as its wings unfold and begin functioning. After that period of time it will fly off, spreading its beautiful wings, to search for a mate and bring a bit of magic to the world.
Illustra Media
The makers of the captivating documentary Metamorphosis are more than just butterfly geeks. They are a group of world class film makers and scientists with a heart to spread the theory of intelligent design to the rest of the world. The film Metamorphosis was produced by Illustra Media, a non-profit organization that produces films about intelligent design. Their award winning films have been translated into more than twenty languages and distributed across the globe. Some of their intelligent design documentaries include Unlocking The Mystery of Life, The Privileged Planet, Darwin's Dilemma, Where Does The Evidence Lead?, The Case For A Creator and many more. Illustra Media partners with Discovery Institute and works closely with an international team of scientists and researchers to create Biblically based, scientifically sound, faith building documentaries that entertain and teach.
Understanding God's Creation
Butterflies are beautiful, they bring smiles and pieces of magic to a dark world. They fascinate children and Ph.D. holding scientists alike with their unique and precise life cycle. They inspire music, art, and fims. More importantly, however, they are part of God's great creation. God's creation is awe inspiring, enjoyable, and offers us a glimpse into the heart of our creator. As we earnestly seek to know God, however, we can often forget that he has given us a wonderful world to explore and understand. The film Metamorphosis offers a glimpse into this world, and helps viewers better understand and marvel in a tiny piece of God's creation. Marveling in and understanding God's creation helps us better understand our Creator, it encourages and inspires us, and it strengthens our faith. As viewers watch Metamorphosis they will experience all three. In addition, Metamorphosis opens up doors for discussion with your children, education opportunities from a Biblical perspective. The science in the film will help you understand the butterfly, yet it is not too difficult for a child to gain from or to simple for a scientist to learn from. This film is educational, inspiring, encouraging, and entertaining.
Metamorphosis will help viewers understand the tiny, beautiful butterfly from a creation perspective. They will be introduced to the intelligent design behind its tiny wings and precise life cycle. The fascinating imagery and computer modeling will make this a film viewers will want to watch and enjoy time and time again, while learning about one of God's tiniest creatures at the same time. Illustra Media's films are based on hours of scientific research and pages of facts, yet they can communicate to the tiniest child the wonder of God's creation and the unfathomable love of their Creator. Transport yourself from your couch to forests and flower gardens around the world as you understand the butterfly through new eyes.
Metamorphosis has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America, but this delightful documentary is considered appropriate for viewers of all ages. As always it is recommended that parents preview content to determine what is suitable for their children, but Metamorphosis is considered family friendly.
If you enjoyed learning about the intelligent design in Metamorphosis, you may also enjoy the following documentaries and DVD lessons: Lee Strobel's Case for a Creator, Icons of Evolution, Unlocking The Mystery of Life, The Privileged Planet, Where Does The Evidence Lead, Darwin's Dilemma, The Mysterious Islands, and Does God Exist? A Debate.