Gods at War Small Group Study
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- Director: Kyle Idleman
- Producer: City on a Hill Studio
- Languages: English
- Run Time: 120 Minutes
- Region Code: 1 See More
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Gods At War Small Group Study
Behind every sin, every struggle is a battle of gods warring for the throne of our hearts. Though idolatry may not take the form of a wooden idol set on a shelf, it exists in the lives of every individual on the planet. This is the idea behind Kyle Idleman's series Gods At War Small Group Study. Join Kyle Idleman and five real individuals as they tell their stories. The god of pleasure, god of power, god of money, god of love, and god of self can only be beaten when God is given his rightful place in our hearts.
The Study
The Gods At War Small Group Study, from City On A Hill Productions, takes an unveiled look at sin and idolatry in our lives. Narrated by Kyle Idleman, this series takes a look at the stories of five individuals. Featuring Chuck Colson from Prison Fellowship, Chuck Bentley from Crown Financial Ministries, and three others. They tell their personal stories of struggles with idolatry. Through these stories, we see reflections of ourselves, and we will come to see the real battle that lies at the heart of every sin issue. These stories are meant to open our eyes to the reality of sin in our lives, yet encourage us as we also hear the transformation God can work in hearts and lives that are willing to let him hold his rightful place in their hearts.
Episode One- Gods At War Introduction
Join Kyle Idleman in the first lesson of Gods At War Small Group Study as he introduces the idea that idolatry is at the root of every sin issue in our lives. These gods of power, money, sex, pleasure, etc. are constantly battling for our hearts and lives. Through our own ability we will never be able to conquer them. We will struggle, battle, and wonder why. Only when we allow Jesus to take his rightful place in our hearts will we be able to overcome.
Episode Two- God Of Pleasure
Join Paul Jones as he shares his story of his battle with the god of pleasure. This second episode of Gods At War Small Group Study is focused on the god of pleasure that hides as something "just fun" or even sometimes as something necessary, such as food. As Paul shares his story, he reminds us that if we look for comfort in anything other than God we will never leave satisfied. That ultimately those moments of finding comfort in something else will become so often that they will consume our time, energy, and thoughts. Only when we allow God to take over, though we may have to sacrifice our comfort, are we able to become the individuals he always intended for us to be.
Episode Three- God Of Love
We are all made to be loved, we all long to be beautiful but when we twist this need and desire into something else we only come out broken. This is the struggle episode three of Gods At War Small Group Study focuses on-- the god of love. Shannon Rants shares her story. Shame and desperation drove her to seek out love in the wrong places, and to create an untrue identity she believed herself to be. When our love for love, or our love for others is greater than our love for God, only broken hearts and relationships result. Only Jesus can love us the way we long to be loved, unconditionally, unwaveringly, and unselfishly. First, however, we must be willing for him to heal us.
Episode Four- God of Money
You cannot serve both God and money. This is a lesson Chuck Bentley knows fully well, and what the fourth episode of Gods At War Small Group Study addresses. Consumed with a love of money Chuck Bentley found himself sacrificing everything for something that did not satisfy. Only when God confronted him on his broken journey to Wall Street did Chuck Bentley realize money does not pay. He asks us one question, "Where will you put your trust?"
Episode Five- God Of Power
The fifth lesson in Gods At War Small Group Study is focused on the god of power. The god of power can often masquerade as a pride issue, but the lust for power and success is often at the root. What we do not realize, however, is that the more power we gain the harder the fall is going to be. Chuck Colson's fall landed him in prison after President Nixon's Watergate scandal, yet it was in this brokenness that he learned the importance of humility and service to others.
Episode Six- God of Me
Every individual has the tendency to think that our desires and wants are the things that are most important. Yet, the god of self leads us down broken paths. For Donny Paulding it led him into the world of porn. In our broken world of self, as Donny shares, only God can pull us out. Will we worship and serve God or ourselves? This is the question at the base of the final lesson in the Gods At War Small Group Study. The god of me.
Whether you use the Gods At War Small Group Study in a group, as a family, with a friend, or by yourself, you will be challenged to face the sin and idolatry issues in your life. You will be confronted with the issue that though you may fight, you will only be free if you allow God to hold the throne of your heart. Who will you choose to be the king of your life?
Gods At War Small Group Study has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America and may include issues and topics not suitable for younger viewers. As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children. The Gods At War Small Group Study is generally considered appropriate for most older audiences.
The Gods At War Small Group Study includes the following:
-A video tutorial for small group leaders
-Six twenty minute lessons on DVD
-Easy to follow Leaders Guide for guiding group discussion