Unexpected Journey DVD
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- Languages: English
- Release Date: 6/6/12
- Run Time: 34 minutes
- Screen Format: WS
- Region Code: 0 See More
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Unexpected Journey: From Cancer to a Higher Calling
Unexpected Journey: From Cancer to a Higher Calling shows the incredibly difficult but life changing journey that four cancer patients encounter. This film follows their testimonies and hears the different emotions they struggled with over the course of their battle with cancer. What was running through their minds as the doctor delivered their diagnosis for the first time? What has their faith meant to them throughout this journey? Have they been able to see the good in their lives despite the terrible illness plaguing them? This film answers all these questions and more, and gives viewers an intimate look into the journey of cancer. Throughout Unexpected Journey, many different survivors of cancer are interviewed. There is a powerful connection between those who have experienced cancer, and nothing can break the bond that they have in Christ. This film is inspiring and heartbreaking all at the same time as it shows the deeply emotional journey that those faced with cancer are forced to experience.
Clinging to Faith
Throughout Unexpected Journey: From Cancer to a Higher Calling, one thing is very evident. Each of the characters faced with cancer has had to cling to one thing"ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎÌ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_?their faith. Without this, their journey would have proven to be much more difficult. Each person shares their testimony and highlights the faith that it took to believe in God throughout this depressing and trying time.
Several of them share their favorite Bible verses. These are the very words and promises of God that sustained them as they were faced with a terrifying future. Their lives were not certain, and many of them were not expected to survive. However, their great faith in Christ gave them hope and provided them with the strength that they needed to press on toward their future.
Without these promises from God, they could very easily have become despondent. It's hard to find much good in a terrible situation, such as cancer. When one loses hope, it is extremely easy to want to give up and lose a will to live. However, the promise that God would be by their side, no matter what they experienced, was enough to keep those in this film afloat. They use their illness as a platform to share Christ with others, which is exactly what they are supposed to do. Instead of complaining about an unchangeable situation, they rise up and point everything back to God. This shows the depth of their incredible faith and a resiliency of spirit that can only come from Christ himself.
Step by Step
Not only does this film hear up close and personal testimonies from those suffering with cancer, it also follows them as they recall their journey through cancer. Instead of just looking at the end result, the producers of this film conduct personal interviews about the various steps taken along this journey.
For instance, the beginning of the film follows four different cancer patients as they receive their diagnoses. Some doctors try to sugarcoat the news, while others state very clearly what the expected outcome will be for their patients. Each person receives the news differently. Some experience anger and want to lash out at those around them. This news is life-changing in the worst way possible, as it completely derails any plans for the future because the patients are not guaranteed to have a future. Others receive the news with great sadness, knowing that their life may very well come to an end. Some are instantly filled with fear, worrying that their time is going to quickly come to an end.
Though their initial responses are different, each of these people experiences every single one of these emotions at point in their journey. The mixture of constant fear, anger, sadness, and a need to find hope weighs heavily on their shoulders, making them wonder if they will be able to survive the emotional effects of this diagnosis.
Though they are weighed and beaten down by cancer, they don't let this stop them in the end. Instead of remaining in a pit of anger, they choose to find hope. This is not an easy choice, and requires great trust in God. Without their faith, it would be very easy to remain full of anger. This causes drastic repercussions if one does not learn how to deal with their diagnosis up front.
Each of the testimonies given in this film talks about their emotional journey from fear and anger to a renewed hope in Christ. Their faith was challenged in the beginning, but God reached out to them and made it clear that he was not leaving them. Though they were struck down by this terrible disease, he promised to never abandon them. This provided each of the patients with a strengthened faith and a hope for the future.
Because of their journey with cancer, they were each equipped with a unique and powerful testimony. They never gave in to the fear and the worry plaguing them, but chose to trust in God instead. They knew that he is more powerful than any disease and could do more for them than any doctor in the world. No matter how fierce and powerful their disease was, they knew that the Creator of the universe was stronger and more willing to heal them than anything else. All they needed to do was believe in Him and trust that he was going to provide them with the strength that they needed to survive their battle with cancer.
Unexpected Journey: From Cancer to a Higher Calling is an inspiring and powerful film that provides viewers with incredible testimonies from those struggling with cancer. Each step of the process is shown in this film, showing the painful and raw emotions of the patients. If one is struggling with cancer, this film will provide them with a sense of kinship with the patients on screen. Their journey will give them strength and provide them with ways to strengthen their faith in Christ and survive the Unexpected Journey.