Superbook: He Is Risen DVD
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- Languages: English
- Run Time: 50 minutes
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Christian Movies: Superbook: He Is Risen!
CBN's Emmy nominated children's series Superbook takes young viewers and families back to the most pivotal moment in Christianity, the resurrection of Jesus, in Superbook: He Is Risen! In this episode, Superbook takes his young friends, Chris and Joy, into the past to meet Jesus' mother herself, Mary, during her most trying hour. But this time, Chris' mom, Phoebe, comes along too! Will Supberbook and his friends be able to help her in Mary's darkest time, or will she face this trial alone? And what will the team learn from this adventure?
Her Darkest Hour
It's easy to imagine Mary as sad, yet confident that what her Son said was true; that He would rise again. Yet the disciples obviously needed encouragement to look for their risen Lord. So what was it like for his own mother, Mary, who was told by an angel should give birth to the Son of God, to see Him killed and hung on a cross?
In Superbook: He Is Risen!, the Quantum family, Superbook, and friends go back in time to see Mary experience God's grace to handle the most challenging time a mother could face: the death of her Son.
In this story of love and sacrifice, Phoebe Quantum goes back in time with Superbook and the crew after an argument with Chris, her son, about getting to see a band he wants to hear. What they learn in the ancient past together with Mary as Jesus is killed on the cross will change their relationship forever.
Talk It Over As A Family
Superbook: He Is Risen! is more than entertainment, and it's more than biblical history. It's a chance for families to come together to talk about the truths that make us Christians. While adult programming featuring the death and resurrection of Jesus can be too dramatic for little children, Superbook ensures that this, the most pivotal moment in Christianity, is told in a way they can understand, and enjoy! Be sure to sit down after the movie and talk about what Superbook and his friends learn, together with Mary, about the grace and power of God in this story of the ultimate sacrifice, and the ultimate victory.
Without the resurrection, there is no Christianity. Had Jesus not laid His life down for our sins, then risen again, we would have nothing to celebrate. Yet the personal toll that His death took on Jesus' friends and family, his own Mom, are easy to miss when we read the story in children's Bibles.
Superbook: He Is Risen! puts the kids squarely in the shoes of those who had to watch their savior die a brutal, horrible death. But the best part for Superbook and his friends is that this wasn't just a historical event; it's a life-changing move of God that sends the kids, and Chris' mom, Phoebe, home changed forever.
Your kids will love the engaging storyline, characters they can identify with, and excellent animation. You will love the timeless message of hope that puts the seeds deep down within your children that Jesus is alive, that death couldn't hold back God's redemptive power, and that CBN has taken the time to make Superbook excellent children's programming.
The Greatest Story of Christianity
As Christians, we love Christmas, because who doesn't love little baby Jesus in the manger; and presents! But even more powerful than sending His Son to earth was God's willingness to sacrifice His only begotten Son to save us from our sins. Superbook: He Is Risen! immerses kids into this very setting to watch, along with Superbook and his friends, as Jesus dies for them.
While they are there, trying to comfort Mary, they get to experience the most powerful move of God ever: the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! This moment changed all of history, and on Superbook: He Is Risen!, your children will get to see this life-changing story told just right for kids to understand.
Watch with them as Superbook and his friends encounter the power of God that raised Christ from the dead and gives us all hope!
Award-Winning Programming
Superbook is an Emmy nominated series for children and family and features the talents of award-winning artists and storytellers with major motion picture successes that include Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, and the Lion King. No more is Christian programming second-rate and done by talent that couldn't make it in the bigger market̴Ì_Superbook brings some of the very best to the screen, because our children should have the highest quality.
For years, Christian programming has lagged behind the larger secular market in quality and the availability of top talent. And while we have grown to love our Christian programming, it often was not something we could point to and say it was done with excellence to rival anything in the world.
No more! With the reimagined Superbook CBN has brought in top talent and the most modern of animation techniques to tell the best stories of all time, Bible stories! Children will love the smooth animation, excellent voice acting, engaging scripts and storylines, and engaging characters.
This Isn't Your Parent's Superbook
New talent means an updated Superbook that takes advantage of the latest in 3D CGI animation, bringing the classic theme of Superbook into the modern, digital age and introducing the fun of traveling through time to classic Bible scenes to a whole new generation of viewers.
As programming ages, it faces a tough hurdle; will it has the audience to continue into new generations of animation, technology, and storytelling? With the re-launch of Superbook, CBN has ensured that Superbook: He Is Risen! is some of the best educational entertainment available.
How often have you watched a movie, TV show, or video that was inaccurate? Props, backgrounds, dialogue, or even incorrect information has made it onto the screen countless times. However, the new Superbook: He Is Risen! lays claim to being the most accurate biblical cartoon ever created. Children will benefit from the accurate portrayals of biblical scenes, and parents will love the way Superbook makes the Bible come alive for their kids.