Revolutionary DVD
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- Cast: Michael Behe
- Release Date: 5/10/12
- Run Time: 60 minutes
- Screen Format: WS
- Region Code: 0
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Revolutionary begins with the transformational story about Michael Behe from a biochemist to a revolutionary challenger of orthodox biochemistry. Revolutionary takes a look at Michael Behe's famous publication of Darwin's Black Box, the leading work challenging Darwinian evolution. Revolutionary also looks at the development of the intelligent design movement in biology, the attempted silencing of intelligent design supporters in court, and the vindication of some of Behe and fellow scientists' findings.
The belief of Michael Behe
Michael Behe from Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines DVD spent his early childhood in Pennsylvania where he went to school. After high school in Bishop McDevitt, he finished his bachelor's degree in Chemistry from Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Later on he achieves his doctorate in biochemistry in the University of Pennsylvania after making his thesis on sickle cell disease. After his doctorate, Michael Behe went for postdoctoral work. He decided to investigate DNA structure in the National Institutes of Health in Maryland. Now he is a professor of Biochemistry at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania.
Behe did accept once the scientific thesis about evolution made famous by biologist Charles Darwin but after taking a look at "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis" the 1985 book written by Michael Denton, he began to doubt the theory. After an investigation, Behe from Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines DVD started to believe that there was biochemical proof that there were some systems that were exclusively complicated. Stating that he thought some of those systems could not have developed naturally by evolution thus created by a specific "creator". To him, that "creator" was the only available explanation for such complicated formation. Behe's reasoning was very much alike to the watchmaker analogy made in 1802 by William Paley who said that that was the proof of a heavenly creator. The allegation of exclusive complexity is based on an assertion from falsehood.
He is recognized for his thesis on IC, which states that biochemical systems are too complicated to be investigated by recognizable evolutionary mechanisms and makes them the consequence of intelligent design. Michael Behe from Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines documentary DVD has spoken in various cases in court related to intelligent design. Some of these cases would come to a conclusion that intelligent design was not considered as science and it had a religious background.
The controversy of Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines
Michael Behe wrote a book in 1996 named Darwin's Black Box,wheree he wrote his conclusion about exclusive complicatedness. Behe from Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines DVD refuses the idea of species and organisms developing through evolution. This statement has found a way to disappoint several scientists
There's always been this competition among intelligent design and the Darwin theory of evolution. Just like in presidential votings where all candidates have their own way of thinking and their own governmental & metaphysical points of view. As shown in Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines DVD This contest between intelligent design and the evolution theory push the big inquisition, which is the correct case with the correct systematic proof.
The film Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines DVD focuses on as mentioned in the title of the movie, molecular machines. Machines such as turbines, the bacterial flagellar engine, and other great examples of technology and nanotechnology. These have caused big controversies between scientists and biologists through almost 20 years. All beginning with the release of biologist Michael Behe's book "Darwin's Black Box" and his other investigations. A group of them believed in Darwin's theory of evolution believing that organisms developed through time and became what we know today but those in favor with Michael Behe's theory believed that there was a major character missing in Darwin's theory, that a divine creator had intervened in the making of all living things and organisms.
Those who advocate for an intelligent design like in Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines film have many goals to have accomplished in different moments in time. Overthrow materialistic possessiveness and its devastating ethical, political and social legacy. Change materialistic clarification to the spiritual comprehension that nature and humans were created by a divine creator. Has the intelligent design accepted as a correct option throughout scientific investigations and research from the outlook of a design hypothesis? Have the effect or at least a small one of design theory in other areas different from science. To have big discussions about different social issues, education and legal problems be at the front of the issues to be resolved in the government.
Also in the future, some of the goals to be reached are for example to see that this intelligent design hypothesis be the main outlook in science and other studies.
To see that specific theory mentioned in Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines DVD being applied in different studies like paleontology, psychology, ethics, biochemistry, biology, theology, philosophy, cosmology, and others. Also to see it create an effect on life itself through social, religious, ethical and governmental approaches.
Features from the Revolutionary DVD
Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines DVD is a 60-minute documentary directed by John G. West and it was released in the summer of 2015. It includes interviews with Behe, Stephen Meyer (director of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture), Paul Nelson (philosopher of science and professor in Northwestern University), Douglas Axe (director of Biologic Institute), Scott Minnich (professor of microbiology at the University of Idaho), John West (Vice President and Senior associate in Seattle-based Discovery Institute and political scientist), and other intelligent design supporting scientists.
This Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines DVD also includes Michael Behe: Up Close and Personal, and other discussions of scientists on the work, investigations, theories, and ideas of Michael Behe.