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Champions of Faith - DVD
The Champions of Faith: Baseball Edition on DVD is a groundbreaking film that demonstrates the intersection of sports and faith in Major League Baseball by profiling many of the most accomplished and devout figures in the game of baseball both on and off the field. Major League baseball champions Mike Piazza, David Eckstein, Jeff Suppan, Mike Sweeney, Jack McKeon and Rich Donnelly lead an All-Star line-up in this moving and uplifting sports special that tells the story of faith in baseball like no other film ever made.
Champions of Faith: Baseball Edition serves to humanize some of the most celebrated and accomplished ballplayers of our time and restore the "sports hero" to its proper place in the American culture. You will laugh, cry, stand, cheer and be awed by the captivating personal stories captured in these interviews and the thrilling game highlights provided by Major League Baseball Productions. This inaugural production of Catholic Exchange's new film & video division provides some of the biggest names in our national pastime with a unique forum to discuss faith, family, teamwork, sacrifice, leadership, humility and the many virtues and spiritual lessons they have learned from the game.
Famed Catholic author and men's leader Steve Wood recommends Champions of Faith highly for this exact purpose: "The new DVD, Champions of Faith, is just the kind of media tool that will reach men - even those men who seem uninterested in the Faith. This DVD is a perfect gift for any man, a great resource for youth groups, and an ideal tool for fathers and sons to watch together."
Additionally, you don't need to be a baseball fan to be moved by these inspiring stories from the heroes of our National Pastime. Man or woman, boy or girl, sports fan or not, you will walk away from this film touched and enlightened with a deeper understanding of how the central truths of our faith can make a difference in your own life.
Champions of Faith already has received rave, "two-thumbs-up" reviews from viewers of all different backgrounds.
Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia said, "This entertaining and moving film breaks new ground in giving cultural icons an opportunity to be part of a high quality film and at the same time to speak lovingly of Jesus Christ and how their spiritual lives have enriched their professional careers. This is a prime example of what the Church needs to be doing to reach people where they are. It is a beautiful expression of evangelization through media."
Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix wrote, "I thought Champions of Faith was terrific. The witness to Christ of these baseball stars and their unapologetic love of the Catholic Church was truly inspiring. I hope many of our youth will get to see this wonderful film."
Bishop Ignatius Catanello of Brooklyn hails it as "a nine-inning faith classic!"
And what do the players themselves say about the film?
"I've had some great moments in my life but being a part of this and being able to tell people about my story is one of my proudest moments. It's not just a sports film - it's a work of art"
- Mike Piazza, Designated Hitter for the Oakland A's, 12-time All-Star.
"To me it felt like Christmas, New Year's Eve, my birthday and Easter morning all wrapped into one, seeing this film Champions of Faith. I've never been more proud of anything in my life. More proud than anything that I've done on the baseball field. This is something that I can show to my kids and grandkids someday. It truly is a treasure. I'm so blessed to be a part of it. I think that every person in America needs to watch this film"
- Mike Sweeney, Captain of the Kansas City Royals, 5-time All Star.
"It was very exciting and very inspirational to see the other players share their faith. I think it's going to be a great tool of evangelization. I think that if you have influence in the Catholic world, I think you should tell people to buy this film because I think it's going to spread the Word of God. I give it two thumbs up and it's very, very inspirational"
- Jeff Suppan, Pitcher for the Milwaukee Brewers, MVP of the 2006 NLCS.
Because it is so entertaining and accessible, Champions of Faith is being called "the greatest gift of evangelization this decade" - greater even than The Passion of the Christ, which was limited to adult audiences. If you are looking for the perfect gift for your son, brother, husband, godchild, nephew, neighbor or father; this film is it. There is nothing more inspirational than to hear major athletes at the top of their game talking about something greater than winning the World Series or being named a Major League All-Star - that is, their faith in God, devotion to the Blessed Mother and love for Christ in the Eucharist.