When Calls the Heart: Heart of the Homecoming - Season 5 - DVD #1
Additional Information
- Cast: Jack Wagner, Erin Krakow, Daniel Lissing, Lori Loughlin
- Producer: Edify Films
- Languages: English
- Release Date: 2018
- Run Time: 88 min
- Closed Captioning: yes
- Region Code: 1 See More
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When Calls the Heart 2017 Christmas Special!
When Calls the Heart Season 5 - Movie #1
The folks in Hope Valley discover the true meaning of Christmas with a Wishing Tree which - through holiday magic- makes everyone's wishes come true. In the case of Elizabeth, that means being reunited with Jack. Friends work together to solve a family problem Robert is having, and meanwhile, Bill, Abigail, and the Hope Valley community come together to start a new Hope Valley Tradition - a Christmas parade to bring every together and warm everyone's hearts.
Includes Bonus Behind the Scenes videos and bonus material not found anywhere else!
Featuring the cast we've come to love - Daniel Lissing (December Bride, Last Resort), Erin Krakow (Finding Father Christmas, Amry Wives), Lori Loughlin (Fuller House, Soldier Love Story, 90210) and Jack Wagner (Melrose Place, The Bold and the Beautiful.)
When Calls the Heart: The Heart of Homecoming A loved one returns!
To all of those who watch When Calls the Heart, REJOICE! There‰۪s a new movie coming very soon! A Christmas movie to be exact! It's the beginning of season 5, a new season of our beloved characters from Hope Valley. This When Calls the Heart: The Heart of Homecoming movie will show a glimpse of what‰۪s in store for them for the rest of the season. Doesn't that make you happy? It does to me!
Season 4 of When Calls the Heart was definitely not for the faint of heart. It was a roller coaster of emotions as some would say and it was an unbelievable season. By the end of season 4 some amazing events had taken place like for example, Abigail officially adopted Cody and Becky (Such a beautiful moment!), Jack and Elizabeth became engaged (All the #hearties were indeed waiting this moment anxiously), and other pivotal moments that shaped our characters one way or another. But also some trying times were seen as well like for example, Mountie Jack was assigned to lead a new division in the Northern Territories where a horrible war was occurring! It was extremely hard for him to leave his cherished town of Hope Valley, especially his bride-to-be Elizabeth Thatcher but Jack had a calling he felt he just had to fulfill. Just like how Elizabeth had this higher calling to teach and help children learn, also Jack had this responsibility to serve his country and be true to what God had called him to do.
When Calls the Heart: The Heart of Homecoming is about how the residents of Hope Valley rediscover that special meaning of Christmas through a wishing tree. Which makes them all work together and help each other in various ways that in the end will make it a Christmas they will never forget.
Now in When Calls the Heart: The Heart of Homecoming, the Christmas season has arrived in the town of Hope Valley an everyone is preparing for the season festivities. This year a wishing tree is located at the center of town filled with beautiful decorations. A box is placed near it filled with ornaments, each one with a blank space on the back of it so the locals can write their wish then place it on the tree. That doesn't end there, later if the person‰۪s ornament isn't on the tree it means that someone is at work to make that specific wish come true. This immediately has the people of Hope Valley, especially the kids, even more excited to welcome Christmas and encourages them to think about what they truly wish for. Of course, Elizabeth's ultimate wish is to spend Christmas with Jack even though she knows he‰۪s where he‰۪s meant to be at the moment, being of service in the northern territories. Little does she know that her wish will actually come true and she‰۪ll be reunited with the one she loves. So exciting, right?!
Elizabeth picks an ornament to take down from the wishing tree and she ends up with Robert's wish of wanting a crib for his soon to be baby sibling. So she takes on the responsibility and honor to work towards making this special wish come true and helping little Robert's family in any way she can. Also apart from the beautiful wishing tree, Abigail and other members of the community all think of a new tradition to add to the special season this year. They decide to do a Christmas parade! A lovely new tradition to bring everyone together, to inspire the joy of Christmas and celebrating together as a community and family.
Even though I'm really looking forward to Jack and Elizabeth's reunion in this upcoming Christian DVD, I'm looking forward to seeing how the town comes together to help each other out. I love that this specific Christmas movie is encouraging the topic of focusing on others instead of oneself. That there's no better way to spend the Holidays than being among community, family and helping others who are in need of some assistance. That's one of the reasons why I love When Calls the Heart and encourage others to watch the show, because of how it encourages viewers to never forget those values and morals that make us better people and it reminds us the importance of faith, community, and love.
This Christian movie is available for pre-order NOW at the Fishflix store! It will be available on March 20, 2018!