Visual Bible 3 DVD Set: Acts, Matthew, John
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- Director: Reghardt van den Bergh
- Languages: English
- Run Time: 673 minutes
- Region Code: 1 See More
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Visual Bible 3-Episode Set (Acts, Matthew, John) DVD
The Visual Bible 3 DVD Set is the definitive collection for accurate Biblical dramas. Journey through the New testament books of Acts, Matthew, and John in this Biblically accurate retelling. This 3 DVD set walks you through three of the most important books of the New Testament: The Gospel of Matthew, The Gospel of John, and the Acts of the Apostles. Dramatizing these books word for word creates an incredible viewing experience that follows the life of Jesus and shows the aftermath of his death, resurrection and ascension. In this massive collection, you will not only walk through the life of Jesus as told by two different accountants, but you will also be able to see what happened after He left; the legacy He left behind and the ministry the disciples formed after His departure.
The Visual Bible 3 DVD Set is something you need to experience for yourself. It shows an incredible testimony, giving a remarkable account about the life of Jesus. Told in a simple, yet thorough manner, you will be able to experience Jesus' sermons and words as if you were really there. Because His words have not been altered or abbreviated in any way, you can experience the words as He would have truly said. The filmmakers did not try to push an agenda with this film or eliminate certain parts of the gospel. They simply wanted to take the words of Jesus Christ in the accounts of Matthew and John and Luke's account of the Acts of the Apostles and present them in a video format.
This is an exciting and revolutionary film series that is well worth a watch. If you've always struggled to read or understand the Bible, this would be an excellent way for you to come to understand Jesus' life and teachings better along with the apostles' acts. The film is well-produced and illustrated, but also maintains the integrity and original intent of the New Testament books. Nothing is added or removed in this definite collection; These Christian movies work hard to be accurate representations of God's Word.
The Visual Bible: Matthew
This film is a terrific starting place for the series as it gives you Matthew's perspective on Jesus Christ and his experiences following at Jesus' side, listening to his sermons and witnessing His miracles. Matthew gives a clear and well-documented look at Jesus Christ and gives a terrific summary of His life. Beginning with His incredible birth and unique entrance into the world, Matthew starts from the beginning, showing Jesus as a baby and a young boy. He then proceeds to give a detailed view of Jesus' three-year ministry, including His notable sermons like the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew shows Jesus' incredible teachings along with His amazing and supernatural miracles he worked.
The Book of Matthew and this visual Bible representation end with Jesus being arrested and eventually crucified on a cross. Experience the pain Jesus must face and realize that He chose to face all of these things because of His great love for us. Matthew presents a powerful gospel message with a thrilling and emotional ending. Be uplifted by the end of the story, as you witness Jesus' rise from the grave and commission to His disciples. The book of Matthew ends with what we know as The Great Commission; Jesus' message to His disciples. They are to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in His name.
The Visual Bible: John
The Visual Bible 3 DVD Set continues with a different perspective on Jesus, dramatizing the words found in the gospel account of John. John is known for having a more poetic look at the life of Jesus, and this comes across very clearly in this visual representation. This DVD is an incredibly useful companion to the Matthew DVD as you can compare and contrast the different accounts, not only seeing different stories they choose to document, but seeing how similar and in-line they are with each other. This only helps to give evidence that these two gospel accounts are true and actual events recorded by two people. The Gospel of John is a beautiful and emotional account of the Savior, with powerful words and testimonies.
The Visual Bible: Acts
And to end it off, The Visual Bible 3 DVD Set contains The Visual Bible: Acts, a powerful look at what transpired after Jesus ascended into Heaven. Once Jesus delivered the great commission to the disciples, they wasted no time in getting to work on what He said. Rather than returning to their old lives, they chose to lay down everything they knew in pursuit of delivering the message God had given down. In this accurate and word-for-word walkthrough of the Book of Acts, you will witness the Disciples receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the first baptisms, the growth of the early church, and even the first martyr, Stephen. You will see how the disciples took Jesus' message and spread it to anyone and everyone, even speaking their native tongues in order to get the message out to more people. This DVD also includes the powerful conversion story of Saul, the man who would become Paul and go on to be one of the most influential leaders in the early church.
The Bible explains that the Word of God is living and active, and that may never be more fully understood than in The Visual Bible 3 DVD Set. Through these three DVDs, you will come to understand prominent characters from the New Testament much better, and it will hopefully add more dimension and realism to your faith. You can see what Jesus experience, you can have a front row seat at his messages, you can watch as the disciples become joyful upon the realization that their savior is once more alive. You can experience all these incredible moments in The Visual Bible 3 DVD Set. All similar in style, and each one committed to accuracy and verbatim contextualization, these films are a welcome addition to any collection.